Según el edil del PSOE, se trataría de aquellos donde los empleados tienen como recompensa salarios justos; en los que tienen la posibilidad de progresar y mejorar sus contratos; donde cuentan con facilidades para conciliar la vida familiar y laboral, además de ver reconocidas sus enfermedades laborales y contar con horas de formación de calidad.
El PSOE propone un distintivo municipal para los establecimientos turísticos que traten dignamente a sus empleados.
Así lo ha desgranado el portavoz socialista en el Ayuntamiento de Málaga, Daniel Pérez, en rueda de prensa, acompañado del concejal Pablo Orellana y de un nutrido grupo de representantes de la Asociación Kellys Unión Málaga.
Pérez, señala la creación de una mesa técnica, formada por empresarios, funcionarios, agentes sociales, partidos políticos y sindicatos del gremio, como la herramienta ideal para evaluar la adjudicación de esta insignia diferenciadora.
Desde las filas socialistas aseguran que este distintivo es una excelente oportunidad de marketing para el establecimiento hostelero, puesto que demuestra la responsabilidad social de su directiva.
The spokesman of the Municipal Socialist Group, Daniel Pérez, has proposed to the City Council of Malaga the creation of a municipal badge to recognize those hotel and hotel establishments that treat their workers in a dignified manner. Fair wages, possibility of progress and improvement, ease in family reconciliation with some of the aspects that must be met.
According to the mayor of the PSOE, it would be those where employees have fair wages as a reward; in those who have the possibility to progress and improve their contracts; where they have facilities to reconcile family and work life, in addition to seeing their occupational diseases recognized and have quality training hours.
The PSOE proposes a municipal badge for tourist establishments that treat their employees with dignity.
This is how the socialist spokesman in the City Council of Malaga, Daniel Pérez, at a press conference, accompanied by Councilor Pablo Orellana and a large group of representatives of the Kellys Union Málaga Association.
Pérez points out the creation of a technical table, formed by businessmen, officials, social agents, political parties and unions of the guild, as the ideal tool to evaluate the award of this badge.
From the socialist ranks ensure that this badge is an excellent marketing opportunity for the hotel establishment, since it demonstrates the social responsibility of its board.
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